Oblog Log Annotations

Oblog supports logging of telemetry data through the @Log annotation and a variety of widget-specific sub-annotations.

Using the Log Annotations

The @Log Annotation

The @Log annotation can be used on both fields and getters, as follows:

int exampleField;
int getExampleValue() {
  return exampleValue;

Like all Oblog annotations, this works regardless of access modifiers (e.g. public and private).

The @Log annotation is the most-general annotation available in Oblog. It will use a default widget type inferred from the type of the field or the return type of the getter, and will work with any of Oblog’s supported data types.

If an alternative widget is preferred - or if you wish to configure the logging further with widget-specific parameters - one of the widget-specific sub-annotations can be used. For a list of these, see the API docs.

Sendable Widgets

Many Shuffleboard widget types correspond to objects that implement the WPILib Sendable interface. To log these types of data, only field annotations should be used, rather than getter annotations, as Oblog will assume that they are persistent objects.


The various logging annotations take allow configuration of the logged value through a number of parameters. This section describes those parameters that are common to all of the logging annotations; for a detailed description of the widget-specific parameters, see the API docs.

Value Name

The name of the value on shuffleboard (and of its corresponding NetworkTables key) can be set with the name parameter.

If the name parameter is not provided, Oblog will use the name of the annotated field or getter.

Tab Name

The tabName parameter can be used to explicitly override Oblog’s inferred tab structure. If the tabName parameter is set, the logged value will be displayed under a Shuffleboard tab of the specified name.

Method Name

Sometimes it is desirable to extract a value of a supported data type from a field of a complex data type. This can be done using the methodName parameter. If the methodName parameter is set, rather than the field itself being logged, the result of calling the named method on the field will be logged, instead. The methodName functionality only works with field annotations.

Display Size

The size of the displayed Shuffleboard widget can be set with the width and height parameters. If none are provided, the default Shuffleboard size for the widget type is used. Size is measured in Shuffleboard grid units.

Display Location


If the position of a single widget or layout on a tab is manually specified, the position of all widgets and layouts on the tab should be manually specified. Failure to do so will likely result in overlapping/hidden widgets, since Shuffleboard’s auto-placement algorithm does not interact nicely with manually-positioned widgets.

The location of the displayed widget in its tab can be set with the rowIndex and columnIndex parameters. The position is measured in Shuffleboard grid units. If position is not set, Shuffleboard will automatically place the widget.